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How to use content marketing to generate quick wins in financial services

Posted by Sheila Mitham on Nov 13, 2017 10:32:00 AM

inbound fintech

Inbound marketing expert, and founder of Inbound FinTech, Sheila Mitham, will be leading a workshop at FinTech Connect Live this December at the ExCeL centre in London. The workshop will demonstrate how FinTech brands can generate qualified leads and long-term customers with inbound content marketing. Sheila’s specialist growth agency Inbound Fintech will also be exhibiting.

FinTech Connect Live is the largest FinTech event in the UK, featuring 150 exhibitors from the worlds of crowdfunding, cryptocurrencies, big data, security and more. Throughout the two days there’ll be educational workshops from industry leaders, product demos, and mentoring clinics for startup founders.

In her workshop, Sheila Mitham will discuss content-driven inbound marketing for financial services, where brands need to start, and how they can sustain and develop an inbound strategy. Sheila’s insight will also explain how to bridge the gap between what customers expect and what many FinTech brands are currently providing.

“Building an ongoing comms relationship with potential customers is tough for any brand”, according to Sheila, “FinTech brands in particular sometimes lack clarity when they speak to their potential users and customers, because they don’t always understand the pain points or their value proposition from that perspective.” In this particular sector, research and development has much more budget and structure than digital marketing, which improves the product but doesn’t necessarily encourage more people to use it.

Inbound marketing is a method of choice for B2B, because customers often conduct a considerable amount of research before they choose a FinTech service. With specific needs and even more specific goals, 80% of B2B customers read relevant content before they even make contact a company, and 76% are swayed by content that’s personalised. Customer experience is something many B2B customers demand from financial services, including real-time support, on-going engagement, and a personalised buyers’ journey. FinTech brands need to understand how to build that trust and turn it into revenue, so Sheila’s coming to FinTech Connect Live to given them a comprehensive introduction to it.

Inbound FinTech work with clients to assess the optimisation of their existing website, analyse their competitors’ strategies, research keywords, identify buyer personas, and set measureable KPIs. Sheila and her team then create a strategy which attracts, converts, closes, and retains customers or users. This digitalisation roadmap includes the ‘SMART method’ of setting objectives.

“I’ve worked with FinTech brands for 10 years, and they’re used to numerical results, so I don’t talk about inbound marketing without talking about how we’re going to measure it”, says Sheila. “The ‘SMART method’ stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. It’s a methodical, evidence-based approach, and the easiest to translate into a FinTech context”.

Inbound FinTech founder and CEO Sheila Mitham scheduled to speak at FinTech Connect Live

sheila mitham

Once Inbound FinTech have created a brand’s targeted inbound marketing strategy, their clients find it’s a much more laser-targeted approach to digital marketing. Inbound leads are 61% cheaper to generate, and conversions can be double that of traditional marketing.

“It might sound unfamiliar, but FinTech needs to stop selling and start helping. It’s all about educating customers and guiding them through the process in a personalised way.”

Sheila Mitham will be speaking from 10-11am on day two of FinTech Connect Live. Inbound FinTech will be exhibiting on the expo floor at stand A2.

Use the code SPEAKER20 to get 20% off your FinTech Connect Live pass. This includes access to all conferences and exhibitors, all workshops on the expo floor, exclusive post-conference material, and an invitation to networking drinks reception.
Finance Guide to inbound marketing